Friday, January 29, 2010

Having "that" friend

I've decided everyone needs "that" friend.  I mean the friend that you can talk to about everything.  You can talk to them about frustrations or things like that, but also about sex.  If you don't have "that" friend-use this blog to start to feel comfortable talking about stuff.  I have an awesome friend, but I never really thought we'd talk super-openly about our sex lives.  She invited me to a "slumber party" (basically a tupperware party-but for sex toys and things of that nature) and as we were looking through the catalog we both opened up a lot about what we were interested in, had tried, and such.  It was so great!  When we went to the party, we were able to have a lot of fun and talk about all the fun stuff we had ordered.  I totally loved it!  I've decided I would love to be a distributor for Slumber Parties.  I want to help women feel comfortable with whatever level of spice they want to add to their relationship.  I'm so excited!!  I think I'll be signing up as a distributor in a couple months, so if anyone is interested-hit me up in a couple months and it'll be a blast!

So do you have any friends in particular that you can talk to?  What makes it easier to talk to that specific person?  Does it make you feel uncomfortable or is it helpful?  Talk to me ladies!